
The first ever AI to-do management tool

Aruarian makes task management easy, just tell Ari whats up and get on with life

No more what?

No more fiddling with menus

Aruarian just gets you

No more manually creating lists

Aruarian does it on the fly

No more searching for specifics

Aruarian gets down to the details


Why do I need to pay for Aruarian?

This is a fair question and I'll make this quick

1. Aruarian is a fully bootstrapped startup (AKA, we have no investors and are fully community backed)

2. Because we're bootstrapped we need money to pay for our AI fees (We pay fees to OpenAI to use their GPT systems)

3. We need money to pay our devs and continue further development (so pls support us 💓)

Early bird price



Early access for Aruarian for a lower price

Why we built it

The reason for Aruarian

Hey, Yash here.
I'm the founder of AruarianAI.

I created AruarianAI because I hated every other productivity app, They were all too manual and felt like I could've just used a pen and paper and gotten the same effect.
When I got more into AI I realized that I could use it to automate my task management, and just like that AruarianAI was born.
Aruarian can add new todos for you, create lists for you and find you specific information on the fly

It's not perfect yet and it's still very early days, but I felt there must be other people out there tired of 'productivity' apps that charge you through the ass and give you basically nothing in return, after showing Aruarian to a few friends

If you want to speak to me about the project you can message me here.

Aruarian is currently open for beta


Frequently Asked Questions

What can it do?

Why should I care?

Why is it paid?

Besides save me time, what can it do for me?

Join the future of productivity today

What are you waiting for?