your to-do list with AI

Your AI-powered personal assistant, always within reach

Loved by 2000+ students

Demo Video

Do you ever feel like you have a thousand things to do but no time to plan it all out? πŸ’¨

Tasks start slipping through the cracks and everything goes off the rails πŸ€―πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

What if you could say goodbye to scheduling stress forever? πŸ€”

Introducing AruarianAI πŸ€

How it works

Natural Interactions

No manual logging or menus, just chats

Effortless Organization

No manual organizing or collecting tasks

On the fly changes

Ari changes with you as you need to








Unlimited Boards

Batch Insert

Batch Update

Voice chat

Lifetime price


All features, future updates and personal support for a lifetime.





Unlimited Boards

Batch Insert

Batch Update

Voice chat

Frequently Asked Questions

What can it do?

Why should I care?

Why is it paid?

Besides save me time, what can it do for me?

Why is this better than other tools?

Why we built it

A message from the founder

Hey, Yash here.
I'm the founder of AruarianAI.

I created Ari because I hated every other productivity app, They were all too manual and felt like I could've just used a pen and paper and gotten the same effect.
When I got more into AI I realized that I could use it to automate my task management, and just like that Ari was born.
Aruarian can add new todos for you, create lists for you and find you specific information on the fly

It's not perfect yet and it's still very early days, but I felt there must be other people out there tired of 'productivity' apps that charge you through the ass and give you basically nothing in return, after showing Aruarian to a few friends

If you want to speak to me about the project you can message me here.


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